Combining research with traditional organisational development

Combining qualitative research with traditional organisational development supports the development of processes, programmes and projects. p4d’s approach to qualitative impact research is based on the assumption that work and organisational culture can be actively shaped.

As part of qualitative impact research, we conduct guided in-depth interviews and group discussions with employees, managers and other stakeholders and also work with participant observation.

In-depth interviews capture the working environment of the interviewees and their organisational culture. They serve to gain a holistic understanding of the cultural impact factors. Managers and employees are invited to describe their perspectives and experiences of working (together) in detail and in very concrete terms as part of the guideline-based in-depth interviews and group discussions. The results serve as a common platform for understanding. Particularly at the beginning of a process, they are used for the organisation to look at itself through the mirror of analysis. In doing so, seemingly self-evident things are seen in a new light. Advantage: we work through conscious and unconscious interdependencies for you. Because understanding is the first step towards change. The report takes the form of a vivid and experiential presentation of the results.

What matters to us I qualitative impact research

  • is phenomenon-oriented, i.e. it asks for very specific case studies on the challenges and successes of collaboration, reconstructs procedures and processes where necessary and describes similarities and differences in dealing with the challenges of collaboration
  • is systemic, i.e. it describes the culture from different perspectives and enables a change of perspective and is interested in interrelationships at the level of work and organisational culture. The focus is not on the individual, but on the organisational culture.
  • is holistic and, in addition to the factual level, the personal level and the relationship level of cooperation, also illuminates atmospheric components such as interview dynamics.
  • is focused and interviews relevant stakeholders, employees and managers of organisational units
  • visualises areas of tension in collaboration and describes the challenges involved. Such areas of tension often exist between aspects of leadership and personal responsibility, in conflicts of objectives, in cooperation at interfaces, in dealing with expectations of task fulfilment and the scarce resource of time, in understanding the depth of processing, and much more.
  • sensitises all those involved and serves to improve cooperation. During the interview itself, managers’ and employees’ understanding of their own work and organisational culture and their own contribution to shaping this culture is increased. The interviews also serve to prepare for planned follow-up processes and workshops.
  • is a learning and collaborative process. We work with an experienced interview team of at least two people, share our experiences and analyse the results together.
  • is confidential, i.e. individual statements are of course anonymised.

We will be happy to advise you on a cutomised offer:

Dr. Brigitte Schwinge. Beraterin bei p4d

Analysis. Moderation. Mediation.

Partner and Authorised Signatory

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