Everything is different in 20 years

Howspace is an AI-supported virtual collaboration platform that allows organizations to digitally support events, change processes and training. Digital and analog merge in the process. The platform’s web-based environment can be adapted to individual needs and used virtually, hybrid or at face-to-face events. As a Howspace partner, we at p4d are your implementation partner for setting up, using and administering the platform.

Logo der Firma Howspace

Howspace Designprinciples


Create virtual & intuitive environments that participants can enter immediately & without training.


Hide what is not relevant for participants at the moment so that they can concentrate on the essentials.


Create the right context for collaboration and enable everyone to work together.


Develop lean processes that build up step by step. Use flexible methods and tools that adapt to the way you work.


Shaping multi-perspective collaboration, accompanying and interacting with participants to create a safe environment for participation.

Digitaler Wandel

Howspace and Change Management

Proactive, continuous change with a lasting effect

Gruppe von Personen schaut auf Bilder

Howspace and Networks

Set up. Activate. Involve.

Frau mit Brille schaut auf einen Monitor

Howspace and learning

Individually. Together. Long-lasting.

Mann nimmt an online Meeting teil

Howspace and Events

Digitally support moderation for effective event formats


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