Theory U / U-Process: An integrative leadership approach for sustainable change in companies and organisations

Theory U, also known as the U-process, is an integrative leadership approach that is becoming increasingly important in the world of corporate and organisational development. This glossary entry is dedicated to explaining and deepening Theory U, its meaning and application in the context of companies and organisations.

The basics of Theory U / U-Process:

Theory U was developed by Otto Scharmer and is based on the assumption that sustainable and future-proof change can only be achieved through the broad and far-reaching participation of stakeholders in an organisation. The name “Theory U” is derived from the U-shaped curve that visualises the process. The U-process is divided into seven phases:

  1. Skimming: This phase is about listening, observing and perceiving. It requires an open attitude in order to gain deep insights into the current situation.
  2. Understanding: The skimming phase is followed by the understanding phase. This is where the insights gained are reflected upon and interpreted.
  3. Mindful questioning: In this phase, critical questions are asked and new perspectives are developed. It encourages self-reflection and a confrontation with complex challenges.
  4. Mindful listening: Mindful listening enables a deeper connection with stakeholders and encourages empathy.
  5. Presence: This phase involves the transition from the past to the present and the creation of an open space for innovation and solution development.
  6. Prototyping: In the U-process, ideas and solutions are tried out as prototypes to test their feasibility and effectiveness.
  7. Core innovation: Finally, viable solutions are implemented and what has been learned is integrated into the organisational culture.

Tools and techniques in the U-process:

A variety of participation-orientated tools and techniques are used as part of the U-process. These include action research, dialogue interviews, mindfulness exercises, exchanges in World Café settings, creative techniques and the development of prototypes. These methods promote interaction and exchange between stakeholders and support the development of solutions that are supported by the entire organisation.

The importance of the U-process for organisations:

The application of Theory U and the U-process in companies and organisations enables a participative and sustainable culture of change. It promotes the involvement of employees, creates an open learning culture and supports the development of innovations. The U-process helps organisations to successfully meet the challenges of today’s fast-moving business world.

Conclusion: The U Theory and the U Process are powerful tools for creating sustainable and future-proof change in companies and organisations. They emphasise the importance of participation, mindfulness and prototyping to develop innovative solutions that strengthen the entire organisation. This integrative leadership approach provides clear guidance for organisations that want to embark on a journey of change.

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