Presencing: The art of presence and collective perception

Presencing, an artificial word derived from the terms “presence” and “sensing”, is a key concept in Otto Scharmer’s Theory-U. This theory, which focuses on organisational development and social change, emphasises the importance of presence, deep sensing and collective intelligence in order to develop sustainable solutions in groups. In this glossary entry, we will take a closer look at the concept of presencing, explain its meaning and examine its application in different contexts.

The meaning of presencing:

Presencing goes beyond mere presence. It is the ability to anchor oneself in the present while utilising the energy and intelligence to respond to future developments. This concept suggests that the ability to sense and perceive deeply is a critical prerequisite for developing innovative and sustainable solutions.

The core elements of presencing:

  1. Deep listening: Presencing requires people to listen actively and empathically. This includes listening to the needs, concerns and perspectives of others in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of the situation.
  2. Reflection and awareness: Through self-reflection and recognising their own assumptions and prejudices, people can expand their awareness and promote a willingness to change.
  3. Collective intelligence: Presencing emphasises the idea that groups can use collective intelligence to develop better solutions together than individuals could alone. This requires an open and co-operative attitude.
  4. Prototyping: In Theory-U, prototyping is seen as a crucial step in putting ideas into practice and testing them. This promotes iterative learning and continuous improvement.

Areas of application of presencing:

  1. Organisational development: presencing can be used in organisations to improve communication, problem solving and innovation. It supports change processes and the creation of a positive organisational culture.
  2. Social change: In initiatives for social change and sustainable development, presencing can help to find collective solutions to complex social challenges. It promotes the empowerment of communities and co-operation between different stakeholders.
  3. Leadership and coaching: Presencing can help leaders and coaches to strengthen their leadership skills and develop innovative approaches to solving challenges.

Challenges in implementing presencing:

Implementing presencing can be complex and requires time, practice and a willingness to embrace change. There may also be resistance in organisations or groups that needs to be overcome.

Conclusion: Presencing is a powerful concept that emphasises the capacity for deep perception and collective intelligence. It offers an effective method for developing innovative and sustainable solutions in organisations, social initiatives and other contexts. By encouraging people to be present while looking to the future, presencing contributes to shaping a better and more sustainable world.

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