Understanding and shaping work and organisational cultures: Applied organisational anthropology is the science that deals with the analysis, interpretation and shaping of work and organisational cultures. It works with a comprehensive concept of culture that goes far beyond the colloquial understanding of culture. This enables it to analyse and describe the complexity of organisational cultures and offer recommendations and instruments for the intended change. The approach aims to develop an in-depth understanding of the implicit rules and mental models that shape the behaviour of the members of an organisation. This understanding serves as the basis for the development of recommendations and strategies for the practical implementation of change in organisations.

The elements of applied organisational anthropology:

  1. Cultural analysis: the first step in applied organisational anthropology is to analyse the existing organisational culture. This includes the examination of values, norms, rituals, language and other cultural aspects. With the help of qualitative individual and group interviews with key stakeholders, analysis workshops with managers and employees, participant observation and desk research, central cultural elements are explored and described from the emic perspective – i.e. from the inside of the organisation.
  2. Interpretation and understanding: After data collection, the collected data is interpreted and analysed. This includes identifying patterns and gaining insights into the significance of cultural elements. Reflecting the findings back into the organisation is an important test of the extent to which the members of the organisation feel seen and understood. It is also an opportunity for the members of the organisation to reflect on the often unconscious elements and contexts that shape their culture. This joint process of reflection and understanding is often the first important step towards the intended change.
  3. Recommendations and strategies: Based on the understanding of the organisational culture, applied organisational anthropology develops recommendations and strategies for the practical implementation of change. These recommendations can include improving ways of working, increasing employee satisfaction, adapting to new challenges, promoting innovation and much more.

Applications of applied organisational anthropology:

  1. Change management: applied organisational anthropology is often used in change management to shape change processes. It helps to minimise resistance to change and promote the acceptance of new concepts and ways of working.
  2. Team building and collaboration: It helps to improve collaboration and interpersonal relationships within teams and organisations. This can strengthen performance and team cohesion.
  3. Leadership and organisational development: Applied organisational anthropology can help managers to improve their leadership skills and promote a positive organisational culture.

Challenges and opportunities: Implementing applied organisational anthropology can be challenging as cultural change takes time and patience. Nevertheless, it offers the opportunity to adapt organisations to changing conditions and increase their competitiveness.

Conclusion: Applied organisational anthropology is a powerful tool for shaping and transforming organisational cultures. It enables a deeper understanding of the cultural aspects that shape behaviour in organisations and supports the development of effective strategies to improve performance, innovation and collaboration. In a constantly changing world of work, applied organisational anthropology is key to the adaptability and long-term success of organisations.

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