Transformation. Organisational culture. Leadership.

Transformation. Organisational culture. New Work. Leadership. Shaping the future is my mission – having grown up in Germany and South Africa, I am a passionate entrepreneur, management consultant and bridge builder. I am passionate about supporting transformations and shaping meaningful organisational culture against the backdrop of current megatrends, the VUCA world and the demands of New Work. I have many years of experience in a wide range of sectors, industries and cross-sectoral organisations and stand for partnership-based development. My core competencies are supporting far-reaching change, organisational development, sparring and coaching decision-makers, facilitation, organisational research, large group interventions and leadership development. I am the founder and co-founder of consulting companies and NGOs.

Area of work

  • Managing partner of p4d | partnership for development GmbH (since 2006) and p4d | partnership for development KG (since 2019) in Bonn
  • Systemic organisational development
  • Process support, sparring and moderation

Key activities

  • Accompaniment of transformation and organisational development projects | With international teams and organisations, both in Germany, Southern Africa and worldwide, including transformation and change processes, planning and strategy development, organisational culture (development), mission and vision development, team processes and common ground development, merger support
  • Sparring partner | For management and decision-makers
  • Moderation | Process moderation, moderation of management committees, workshops, multi-stakeholder processes, conflict moderation, U-process, large groups and internal conferences
  • Training & Retreat | Leadership training, coaching, personality development, organisational development, intercultural training (core region: Southern Africa, Germany)
  • Industries | Mechanical and plant engineering, finance, logistics, public institutions, services and development cooperation
  • Key note speeches | Transformation, organisational culture research/cultural audit, trends and their impact on organisational forms & the working world of tomorrow, change of organisations and leadership through digitalisation, agility, new work
  • Regional work experiences | Europe, USA, South Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa


  • Große-Jäger, André; Pakleppa, Claus-Bernhard; Stiegler, Franziska und Schubert, Eva (2023): Politik auf der Werkbank – Digitale Politikwerkstätten als Plattform zur Aushandlung der Interessenvielfalt
    In: Zeitschrift für Organisationsentwicklung. Ausgabe 3/ 2023
  • Haas, Oliver; North, Klaus; Pakleppa, Claus-Bernhard (2022): Transformation, tiefgreifende Veränderungen verstehen, ermöglichen und gestalten. Vahlen Verlag
  • Joras, Andrea; Pakleppa, Claus-Bernhard (2021): Von unsichtbaren Mächten – Die Bedeutung des Eigentümersystems für Organisationskultur und die Gestaltung von OE-Prozessen
    In: Zeitschrift für Organisationsentwicklung. Ausgabe 3/ 2021
  • Schwinge, Brigitte; Pakleppa, Claus-Bernhard und Köster-Ehling, Olaf (2018): Co-Kreation in Multi-Akteurs-Prozessen. Eine Fallstudie zur Nutzung der Theorie U.
    In: Zeitschrift für Organisationsentwicklung. Ausgabe 2/ 2018
  • Schwinge, Brigitte; Pakleppa, Claus-Bernhard und Sutterlüti, Wolfgang (2016): Der Common Ground-Prozess. Ein integrativer Ansatz zur gemeinsamen Gestaltung von Arbeitskultur.
    In: Zeitschrift für Organisationsentwicklung. Ausgabe 2/ 2016
  • Schwinge, Brigitte und Pakleppa, Claus-Bernhard (2016): Beratung und Prozessbegleitung in der transorganisationalen Zusammenarbeit und bei Multistakeholderinitiativen. In: Asselmeyer, Herbert und Roehl, Heiko (Hrsg.): Organisationen klug gestalten. Kompetenzen für eine komplexe Welt. Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag
  • Schwinge, Brigitte and Pakleppa, Claus-Bernhard (2012): Research based recommendations for enhancing mutual satisfaction and success in international voluntary service – Drawn from the SAGE Net qualitative impact research on the German weltwärts programme to South Africa.
    In: SAGE Net Deutschland e.V. (ed.): International volunteering in Southern Africa: Potential for Change? Bonn: Scientia Bonnensis
  • Schwinge, Brigitte and Pakleppa, Claus-Bernhard in cooperation with Helene Perold and Associates, Johannesburg and CDRA, Cape Town (2012): Strengthening German-South African business performance. Perspectives from 15 companies on the strategic use of diversity and forms of interaction


Portrait von Claus-Bernhard Pakleppa

Transformation. Organizational culture. Leadership.

Managing Partner

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