What does sparring mean?

Wikipedia says about sparring partners:

Sparring (engl. to spar with someone “to grapple with someone”) is a form of training that exists in many martial arts. It is a form of fighting similar to competition, but with modified rules and agreements designed to prevent injuries. The intention of sparring is to improve the skills of the participants, while in competition a winner is to be determined. The word was initially only used in German-speaking countries for boxing. Padded boxing gloves are sometimes also used for sparring. Depending on the type of boxing, the palm is either open or closed.”

Zwei Aikido Kämpfer im Kampf

Sparring with p4d

p4d is a sparring partner for management and decision-makers. “Sparring” because management and decision-makers often need to find quick and well-founded answers to specific leadership questions. In such cases, the classic tools of leadership training and leadership coaching are often too lengthy and time-consuming.

  • A sparring partner offers an open and non-judgemental space in which managers can reflect on their strategic questions, ideas and options as equals.
  • Options for action can be reflected upon and their consequences played through, just like dry swimming. In this way, decisions are strategically prepared and the “space for possibilities” for decisions and actions is expanded.
  • p4d acts as a neutral thinking partner. The manager benefits from our fresh and neutral perspective as well as from our tangible experience.
  • In contrast to leadership coaching, where the focus is on the coachee developing the solution for their own concerns themselves, in sparring we bring our entire background of experience from organisational development, process support and training to bear in a much more active and consultative way. This is based on the many discussions we have had with managers and decision-makers in the past and continue to have on a daily basis.
  • We provide support in the decision-making process and give well-founded and honest feedback on your thoughts and ideas.

We will be happy to advise you on a customised offer:


Human Resources Strategie. Organisation. Leadership.

Authorised Signatory and Senior Consultant
Portrait von Claus-Bernhard Pakleppa

Transformation. Organizational culture. Leadership.

Managing Partner

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